西安美食 – Eats in Xian

西安真是愛吃麵食人的天堂… Lots of yummy eats in Xian! We couldn’t try nearly as much as we wanted to during the two days! Wish I could come back again in the future!

“Biang Biang Noodles”! My absolute favorite!! Style #1: Enjoy with spicy and sour dipping sauce.
Xian Eats

Super long noodle! 又稱褲帶麵 – since it is so wide and long like a belt.
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This is how you write the Chinese charactor “biang”… 62 (?) strokes!
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Biang Biang Noodle style #2 – with pork and egg. Also very good!
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Xian Eats

Xiao Long Bao!
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牛/羊肉泡馍 (“Paomo” – or Bread soaked in beef/lamb broth). Karen getting a tutorial on how to eat this!
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You start with 2 big pieces of wheat flour flatbread…
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You need to break them into small pieces yourself. Took a long time!
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The server will then take the bowl and add beef (or lamb) broth to the bowl. Let them soak and enjoy!
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Enjoy with sweet pickled garlic.
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“SOLD OUT” – oh no!
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“老金家 – almost every restaurant is named with the chef’s last name.
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Xian Eats

肉丸糊辣汤 – Yummy soup with beef balls, potatoes, cabbage, squash, etc.
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肉夹馍 – Many call it Chinese burger!.
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Xian Eats

豆花!! Salty with a clumpy texture, very good! Can also add spicy/sour sauce.
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餃子宴 – You are served one piece of dumpling in all kinds of different flavors and designs.
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There’re duck, monkey, and walnut designs, and tiny dumplings in soup.
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More fancy dumplings on display.
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Making 芝麻糖.
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Making 麥芽糖.
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凉皮 – Cold and chewy noodles.
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I really wanted this but needed another stomach for it…
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I guess next time!
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Quail eggs look yum…
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This could be really good…
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新疆大餅. Look at the size of the bread!
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A photo with the chef at his soup stand!
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I want whatever they’re making!
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And this…
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And this!!!
Xian Eats