Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights at VanDusen Botanical Garden. This is an annual event in December – they have over 1 million lights decorating 15 acres of the garden.

It was a cold day but no rain, yeah! Great day to take a walk in the garden and enjoy the lights.  
Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

The Octopus!
Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

The VanDusen Festival of Lights tickets get you in the Enchanted Nights at Bloedel Conservatory at Queen Elizabeth Park as well. So we visited there too!
Enchanted Nights

Inside the Bloedel Conservatory at QE Park.  
Enchanted Nights

Enchanted Nights